What & Why
What is bizebu + why do you need it?
- Has your business idea stalled on the runway?
- Setting up a company or starting a new business can be complicated, confusing and time consuming.
- You might have a great concept that fits perfectly with market demand, but making it happen is in the 'too hard' basket.
What's stopping you from starting a business?

How to start your own business, the bizebu way

bizebu streamlines the business set-up process and makes it easy to tick all the boxes. Best of all, it equips you with the marketing foundation you need for business success.
A mix of software platforms, services and human input, bizebu is a one-stop-shop designed to get your business ready for launch. Every link in the chain is identified and simplified, so that the process of setting up a business doesn't grind you down.
You'll find bizebu affordable too - much cheaper than hiring a business consultant.
If you've always dreamed of starting your own business, but never quite managed to make it happen, bizebu will turn your dreams into reality.
More tips for start-ups
Don't over-complicate your offer
You might be thinking big, but start with a simple business model. A successful business needs to fulfil promises to customers, so don't make the promises too big.
Earn while you get established
If there's a way of keeping your day job until your business is up and running, do it. There will be less financial stress if you can gradually transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur.
Practice your pitch
Develop a 'brand story' for your business, so that you can sing the same song whenever you're asked to explain what you do. It helps to write this down. Make sure everyone working in your business uses this story too.
Balance passion with wisdom
Passion is important to keep you surging forward, but when it comes to decision making wisdom is required also. If you don't have the wisdom, find it by consulting successful business people.